We are here to help.
Below are community resources for students, families, and school faculty.
American Diabetes Association
The Association has many training and support materials that can prepare and educate school staff to provide needed care to students with diabetes.
Using these resources and working in collaboration with students, their parents, and their diabetes providers, schools can ensure that every child with diabetes has the best opportunity to get a great education and can safely participate in all school activities.
Learn about our online resources below that may be used by a school nurse or other qualified health care professional to train school staff.
Safe at School Guide
The American Diabetes Association is pleased to provide this interim guide reflecting important changes in diabetes technology and treatment in the school setting including an updated Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP). In early 2020, National Diabetes Program decided to sunset the NDEP brand including the school guide,
“Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel” and transferred the guide to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
Safe at School- Religious Schools
About 10% of all students in the United States attend private elementary or secondary schools. Nearly 80% of these students attend religious private schools. Some people think that religious schools are exempt from antidiscrimination laws and so there is nothing that parents can do. This is false. First, many religious schools must comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act if they receive federal funding. Second, there are many strategies you can use to pressure schools to live up to their moral commitments to all students. Read on for more information about how you can make sure your child gets the diabetes care he or she needs in order to make the most of his or her experience.
Safe at School Virtual Workshop for Pediatric Diabetes Health Care Providers
Safe at School Virtual Lunch and Learn for pediatric diabetes health care providers was held on March 4 and co-presented by Fran R. Cogen, MD, CDCES, Director of the Washington Nationals Diabetes Care Complex at Children’s National Medical Center, and Crystal Woodward, MPS, Director of Safe at School, ADA. This informative live webcast offered participants the opportunity to ask questions and understand how they can advocate on behalf of their with diabetes and much more.
Upcoming Webinars
New! Upcoming Safe at School Online Events:
Understanding Diabetes Poster
The Association's "Understanding Diabetes" poster should be used to educate and alert school employees and others who provide care and supervision to students about the symptoms of diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes 101
Diabetes is the name given to disorders in which the body has trouble regulating its blood-glucose, or blood-sugar, levels.
CDC- Diabetes Data and Statistics
Access the latest on diabetes data and statistics through the National Diabetes Statistics Report and the Diabetes Report Card. You can also use the US Diabetes Surveillance System, an interactive web tool that provides diabetes data at national, state, and county levels and by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and education.
Warrior Kids
As a registered non-profit organization, the goal is to provide a community of support for families with Type 1 children.
Together we fight for our kiddos! While they may have a challenging road ahead, we do our part to fight the challenges that Type 1 kids face.
Warrior Kids is based in New Orleans, LA and has a great relationship with the caregivers at Children's Hospital New Orleans. While focused on serving the Gulf South area, they welcome and support families from all around.